
WORK TIMEMon – Fri: 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM | Sunday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM


We stock a wide-range of Cacti and succulent plants with something to suit all tastes.  


Season-Care: Spring

As the seasons change, so too do your plant needs. Indoor plants are affected by outdoor changes. In this article, we’re talking about all things spring and how you should care for your plants when the temperature warms up.

Plants love spring. It’s the start of the growing season and your plants will come alive, especially after a long winter. Kick your care routine up a notch to see some amazing nature stuff happen.

Introduce More Water

You might find yourself needing to water your plants more than usual to make up for the increase in temperature and more hours of daylight. The best time to water is early morning or early evening, when temperatures are cooler and water is less likely to evaporate.
To avoid overwatering, make sure to increase water frequency gradually. Check your plant regularly turning this time of adjustment. If you notice some wilt, water and mist more frequently. If soil stays wet for two days or more, water less. For plants that thrive in moderate to high humidity, continue to mist them lightly between waterings. If your plant is in full sun and you are watering semi-daily, you can help retain moisture better by adding rocks to top of the soil.

Why choose Spring?
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  • Nulla sit amet semper massa, ac volutpat turpis.
  • Praesent venenatis ultricies erat.
  • Nunc fringilla eros vitae nisl posuere, ut consectetur nulla
  • Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit

In the winter your houseplants were probably as close as possible to direct sunlight. You’re going to want to move them further away or draw a sheer curtain during the day as the sun is stronger and days are longer. Moving them to a spot that receives indirect light will help them avoid leaf burn. Most cacti and succulents are an exception, as they prefer it hot and dry.

Not sure if the sunlight is too strong? Put your hand out and let the light hit it. Test it midday when the sun is most intense. If it’s too hot for you, chances are, it’s too hot for your plant too. Rotate your houseplant once a week so each side is getting equal sun exposure and nutrients. Keep plants away from cool draft sources like open windows, especially at night, and check the humidity levels of your space are level all year long.

We’ll wait for Your Contact!

If you want to put your houseplants outside for the approaching warmer months, you should prep them a bit. A good time to move them out is when it’s consistently above 55 degrees F at night. Keeping plants in a stable environment is always the goal.

Outdoor weather can be unpredictable. Plants tend to dry out faster especially on warmer days. Move them to a shady area and water them in the early morning and at night to avoid burning. If it’s rained for a couple of days, lay off on watering and of course, make sure your planters have drainage. Shelter smaller plants from strong winds.